diane ingvoldstad

Obituary of diane lee ingvoldstad

Diane Lee Ingvoldstad, 83, died peacefully 22 Dec 2022. Born to Violet (Winden) and Manford (Manny) Sjoquist, raised in Willmar, MN. With one set of grandparents next door and the other just a bike ride away. She went to Waldorf Jr. College, Forest City, Iowa, where we met September 1958. She took me to her family's home for Thanksgiving that year. Diane became a stewardess (not a flight attendant) for Trans World Airways for two years while I was a Marine Corps Aviation Cadet at flight school in Pensacola. When I got my wings, we got married and moved to Camp Pendleton, Ca., our first of nine duty stations over the next 20 years. She loved those years of Marine Corps life, not so much my Viet Nam combat tours, those were hard on her. We have two beautiful daughters (inside and out), Laura Lee (Gerry) Carson and Kristen Diane(Scott) Carmine, her proudest accomplishments. NAS Whiting, Milton, Fl. was our last duty station, arriving in 1978. She was heavily involved in many aspects of our church, was a teacher's assistant in ESE classes, a hospice volunteer, and an early intervention specialist with United Cerebral Palsy of Pensacola for many years where she developed "Kids Tech Corner," working mainly with autistic children. She had a way with them. Diane put the needs of others ahead of her own, whether her girls or others she served. She was truly a giving, self-less soul. At the age of 61 (after proudly conquering Statistics) she graduated from Troy State. Diane is survived by her husband of 58 years, Orlando (Lanny) Ingvoldstad, Maj. USMC, Ret, our daughters, her brother, Brian (Val) Sjoquist, sister Belle Milner, and grandchildren Gregory Lee, Jenna Beth, and Matthew James. According to her wishes, no funeral service will be held. A private burial will be held at Barrancas National Cemetery. Special thanks to the caring staff of Sandy Ridge Rehab Center Milton, Fl. who saw us through her last days. Thank you!
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