hannah richards

Obituary of hannah beth richards

Hannah Beth Richards, born August 6, 2013, passed away on November 30, 2022. Hannah was a girl greatly beloved. She is survived by her parents, Brian and Sarah Richards; her sister, Amelia; her grandfather, Phil Booker; and numerous extended family and friends. Hannah was a girl who knew what she loved, which included receiving hugs, drinking homemade milkshakes, eating Chick-Fil-A, playing with kinetic sand, doing anything involving stickers, watching magnetic ball videos on YouTube, splashing in the backyard blowup pool, and taking field trips to the park. "Sunshine on my Shoulders" by John Denver was her favorite song. Although Hannah was homeschooled, she went to the Autism Center at Lakeview five days a week, where she blossomed from a little girl into preadolescence. In the last few months of her life, she participated in a Sunday ministry run by Pensacola Christian College students at a local park. Hannah made many strangers smile in the grocery store by showing off the homemade love beads she always wore and looked out for her sister by ensuring the baby gates were always closed. She loved watching others have fun, but seeing or hearing others sad upset her, epitomizing Paul's words to the Christian Church in Rome: "Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" (Romans 12:15). At the time of her passing, she and her dad had just finished building half of a LEGO globe, for her dad wanted to give her the world. Her last project with her mom was decorating snowflakes to turn the rec room into a winter wonderland befitting Buddy the Elf. Hannah's Celebration of Life will be at Olive Baptist Church on Friday, December 16, from 2-4 pm. In lieu of flowers, Hannah's parents request donations be sent to the Ronald McDonald House, which provides comfortable accommodations so parents can stay near their child in the hospital.
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