john Boyer

Obituary of john William Boyer

John Boyer resident of Oregon died unexpectedly on December 2, 2021 in Florida while on his retirement trip. John is survived by his wife Debbi (Hiser), children Danyel Boyer and Jennifer Owens, her husband Matt, Joseph Linney his wife Rebecca and Jeremiah Linney. 5 Grandchildren, Tylyr Patterson his wife Amber, Shyla Patterson, Devyn Agnew, Shanon Owens, Brooklyn Harris and her husband Nick. 2 great granddaughters, Lydia Patterson and Sophia Owens. His foster brother Joe Dinsmore, foster sister Emily (Dinsmore)Hanscom, Brothers-in-law Bud Hiser, Joe Duke and his wife Mary (Hiser), Wilbert Moore, Sisters-in-law Patti (Hiser)Willis and her husband Steve and Kathy (Hiser)Baron and her husband Guy. This is how we remember John: Debbi- John was my best friend; we could laugh, talk about anything and would encourage me to face any obstacle. My favorite memory, we would wake up and enjoy coffee together. Danyel- We took dad to Carlsbad Caverns. Usually, it was hard to tell if Dad liked something as he usually didn't really let his emotions show. You'd take him somewhere and he'd be like cool. "Nice place". And leave you wondering if he was being sarcastic or really liked it. But when we took him to the caverns, he was like a kid in a candy store with his new camera. He must have taken over a hundred pictures and just kept saying look at this and look at that! I had no doubt about whether he had a great time on that trip because he couldn't stop talking about it or showing us pictures. Seeing him really happy about a place we took him and watching him lose his normal aloof personality was awesome! Probably one of the best trips we all had together. Shyla- One of my favorite memories of grandpa is when I went to visit him in Oregon in February. I was only able to go for just a few days and the day I was supposed to go back home there was an ice storm. Which made my flight get cancelled. Grandpa did everything he could to try to get me back home but I ended up staying another day. And during this day the power was out and service was gone and we even got stuck, ha-ha. But this gave me another day to hang out with my grandpa and make more memories with him. I love and miss him. Devyn We all went up to Oregon and I was misbehaving and I threaten my parents that I was gonna be a big boy and call child services, to where my mom being smart gave me grandpa’s number to call instead, as soon as he picked up and said hello, I hang up and said, “it was a man”, everyone laughed at me. Another story is when grandpa visited Alamogordo and we all got to get together and took a hike up to the waterfall. I remember grandpa walking with his blinding white legs in his shoes and protecting his knees as well as his infamous walking stick, we ate sandwiches and visited for a while like people do in a picnic. Jenn- My father was the most amazing person; he was always there for everyone. He was an amazing grandpa and great grandpa. He got to teach his great granddaughter how to swim. I remember going every year to Seaside for Father’s Day and the car show with him. He will be loved and missed every day. Matt- John was a father-in-law that can be counted on, an exceptional Life teacher, and so many good memories of him. I would not be the person I am today without his guidance & love. I am thankful to know & experience what it was like to be with him. Shanon- Grandpa was kind, caring and loving to everyone. He helped his family when he could. He will be deeply missed. He has taught me how to care and love and give me wisdom throughout my life. I will never forget all the life lessons he has taught me. I’m very grateful to have spent time with him and with my daughter Sophia. All the time he watched Sophia grow up. I will always have memories of him with Sophia. Love him very much and he will always be in my heart and with me. Brooklyn- John was a kind and loving Father, Grandfather, Great Grandpa, Friend and more. He will be deeply missed. He has taught us all so much over the years and he always knew what to say when you needed some wisdom. I will never forget all the lessons and things he taught me. I am forever grateful to have gotten to spend so many years with him. Whether it was going to work with him, helping him with the motorhome or celebrating a holiday. I have so many memories that made every second with him so precious. I will always love you Grandpa. You will always be in my heart. Jeremiah- John should be remembered for prioritizing things in its order of importance to achieving a fulfilling life. He knew exactly how to balance work, family and fun. He opened his heart to anyone that was connected to him and he was always willing to help you out, when you had a problem by giving you the knowledge that he had picked up throughout the course of life. If you needed, he would even give you the shirt off his own back. I remember the time that he took me out to Nantucket Island with my mom and my brother. John and I ended up laughing so hard throughout the whole entire ferry ride on the way over to the island. It was honestly one of the best highlights of my life. He was the best step father I could have ever asked for. I will never stop looking up to him, he was the type of man I hope to one day become. Joseph- The Memories that stick out in my mind John and I Like to go to museums and just anything with history; those are the memories that I will remember him with. Joe/Mary- I remember one time my brother-in-law John and Debbi came to visit with a young boy they were fostering. We went to Spooner Lake near Lake Tahoe to go sledding. We had a blast even though I slammed into a boulder, the foster boy sledded all the way out into the parking lot and John ran into the base of a tree. No matter what happened though John always had a smile and a ready laugh about everything. Another time he and I went camping at Eagle Lake. While we were driving the Jeep up a nasty four-wheel drive ravine, I told John to watch for large rocks on his side and I would take care of my side. We slammed into a giant boulder with the transmission and I said to John “I thought you were watching!” he promptly replied “I was! The boulder went down the middle of the Jeep!”
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