michael berube

Obituary of michael david berube

Michael David “Dinky” Berube left this world June 24, 2020. He was born in Pensacola, on November 21, 1955, the second of six children in the Berube family. He lived most of his life in Pensacola, but traveled to Arizona to work construction in his younger years. Mike enjoyed fishing, working on cars and projects around the house. He was a delivery truck driver before he retired in 2012. His mother, Jane Berube passed away in 2015. “Dinky” (his family nickname) is survived by his long time girlfriend, Fay Simmons; father, Roland Berube; sisters, Andrea Caprara and Laura King and brothers, Mark Berube, Eric Berube and Randy Berube; along with numerous in laws, nephews, nieces and extended family. Mike will be interred at Bayview Memorial Park in Pensacola.
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