james allmon

Obituary of james alvin allmon

James A. ALLMON, Master Chief, United States Navy (Ret) Of Pensacola FL passed away quietly at home with wife by side on 15 May, 2020. There is no doubt in our mind and brings us great comfort knowing, he entered the gates of heaven smiling and a happy man. Born 4 July, 1941 in Memphis TN and grew up in hometown of Paducah KY from age 2 years old. He was preceded in death by his father and mother, James Willie Allmon and Clara Loucille Darnall AIImon; brother, Bobby Ray AIlmon and Son-in-law William Todd (Bill) Cline. He is survived by his wife and high school sweetheart, Maydene Brown Allmon, married 26 August 1959. (60 years and 9 mo.); 3 daughters, Shari Allmon Trujillo (Manuel), Perri Renea Allmon Cline, and Terri K. AIlmon Pope (Charles); 12 grandchildren; 17 great grandchildren; sister, Clara Allmon Getty (John) and multiple nephews and cousins who he loved dearly. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and served 30 faithful years from June 3, 1959 to July 1, 1989. He went to Boot Camp at Great Lakes, lL and nothing made him more proud than, to wear his Dress Blue uniform, stand at attention and salute our American flag. The girls and I learned quickly, when the National Anthem was being played, regardless where we were, we faced the flag, our hand over our heart and we didn't move. During his tenure, he served aboard the Carrier USS Yorktown, (CVS) 10, attached to the Anti Submarine Helicopter Squadron 4 (HS-4 Black Knights) and made 2 West PAC cruises. He reenlisted for an advance mechanics school and later became an instructor for the AD School teaching basic Helicopter Engine repair to young enlistees, both Navy and Marine. 1966-1969 he served in Vietnam, flying search and rescue. He flew troop and supply carrier planes aboard H-34 Helicopter, C-54s and C-47 aircraft. While stationed in the Philippines, he attended Sea Survival School in Japan, earned his Air Crew Wings, in 1969 he received an Air Medal with strike force 1 for multiple combat missions in and over Vietnam war zones. His most pride assignment was being assigned as the Command Master Chief of Squadron VR-24 in Sigonella, Sicily. His overseas duty assignments were Japan, Philippines, Guantanamo Bay Cuba, and in Sicily. Shore base assignments were in the United States mostly schools commands in Millington TN. Our life was a wonderful adventure, we lived and visited all over the world and we loved the military life. James made sure our children enjoyed home, wherever it was by showing the sites and adventures of each place and country we lived. He used to tell them '`girls we're walking and living the life where you read in history books". He was a WWII history buff and received is Degree in Teachers Education in 1972. Some of his most favorite moments were- • His 1947 Chevy he bought from his grandpa and drove while in high school • Going to Bob Diary Queen our teen hang out and ordering peanut Butter Milkshakes. • Being with his best friend from grade school to current date, Jimmy Owens ( I could almost guarantee everyone in the Navy/Marine, James served with, knew about the shenanigan's he and Jimmy got into while growing up • His passion was working on cars and at red lights waiting for it to change green, so he would be burning rubber while shifting to 2nd gear. • Favorite songs, Louis Armstrong’s “What a wonderful world”, “Just a matter of time” by Brook Benton and last but not least, “The Naval Song,” Anchors Away” performed by our Navy Band. His passion to fly was endless and every time he had a chance to get on board those Military planes that he signed off on, he did. He was one of the best Plane Captain mechanics for fixed wings any duty station could have asked for. He could take an engine apart and put it back together with no problem. He always said, "if l'm going to fix an engine on a downed plane, I’ll be the first to be aboard during the test flight to make sure its fixed and runs smooth" and he was there every time. If it didn't sound right, he stayed with it until it purred like a kitten. During the Vietnam conflict, he once worked 49 straight days, he and his crew worked hard keeping those planes going. It became time for duty personnel rotation and The Duty Section leader relieved James and his crew for rest. James wanted to work just one more day so he could say he stood duty 50 straight days. The Request was denied and James fussed about that ever since. He loved reading his Bible; he had read it 3 times, completely through and was starting he 4th time. He said ``regardless how many times I have read it, I always learn something new each time". His favorite CDs were all the l950s Rock and Roll along with 80's Hall & Oats, Train, Bee Gees, and ZZ Top. He loved all country music especially Marty Stuart, Roy Clark, Statler Brothers, Mickey Gilley, George Jones and Alan Jackson. James made a great impact on many, he was not only a wonderful loving and proud husband, father, grandpa, and friend to many, he always tried to make himself a good example for someone to follow. With his magic happy smile, every morning there was a wave to our neighbors saying "Morning Neighbor" while going to get the daily paper. His love and kindness will truly be missed but, his love for me and our family will forever be embedded in our heart and memory. I was truly blessed the day he walked into my life. He wasn't only my beloved husband; he remained my best friend forever and a day. A Committal Service will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 1:30pm at Barrancas National Cemetery. The procession will meet at 1:00pm at Walmart Supercenter, 2951 S. Blue Angel Parkway, Pensacola, FL 32506.
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